In light of having arrived in the middle and moving quickly along to commencement, i thought of recapitulating the experience and establishing a few guideposts and demarcations on the way. To me, this MKMMA process  boils down to, as a funky, silly country song deducts, “i am my own grandpa.” I am actually my own brain surgeon. Scary revelation. I am observing myself administering mental diets; utilizing the knives disposing of my previous blueprint and propensity to negativity; trumpeting gratefulness and wholeness into the spider web caveats of brain despondency. Dr. Carolyn Leaf is my mentor reminding me that to “detox” my thought life, my “stinking thinking”  needs uttermost refurbishing. Haanel is clearly supported if not quoted that our thinking changes our reality. “Through our thoughts we can be our own micro surgeon as we make choices that will change the circuits in our brains. We are designed to do our won brain surgery and rewire our brains by thinking and by choosing to renew our minds. (Dr. Leaf) Now, how do i connect the thinking with materialization of the new thoughts? Well, this is where the spiritual, positivistic surgical tool comes in, via my mouth. The Word of the Creator calls it the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God: “renew your mind;”  “And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Sounds very lofty to me; yet not, as the manifold activities, such as speaking to myself in the mirror has already opened my mind to the prospect of being in mental surgery. The process of thinking and choosing is the most powerful thing in the universe after God, and it is a phenomenal gift from God to be treasured and used properly. The basic ingredients of quantum physics are: paying attention, thinking and choosing, and consequence. (Dr. Leaf) As a man thinketh, so is he. (bible, again.) Likewise, we are to control our tongue/pen/keyboard as these activities steer us into the consequential direction. James compares our tongue to the rudder on a ship. I am experiencing the oddity of wanting to say how i feel and think and yet choose not to but rather am finding myself speaking to that mountain TO BE CAST INTO THAT SEA.! Likewise I am —-surgically—-creating the reality inside and out that I am destined and called to step into. I am observing myself and wondering, Who Am I? A surgeon, that’s for sure!!!

8 thoughts on “Week 13, Doing One’ s Own Brain Surgery

  1. I love this quote: And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” Love it!


  2. I love the thought at the top: that speech was for creation instead of communication. God looked at the void and He did not say “It sure is dark”. He said “Light Be” and it was. Ten times in the first chapter we see the phrase “And God said”. By saying our DMP aloud in the present tense, we are applying the principle of speaking how circumstances are supposed to be. And Jesus said that if we did not doubt in our heart, but believed that what we say comes to pass, it will indeed. Great post and insight.


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